Julia Brenda Morris
About Julia
Julia Morris grew up and went to school in South Africa. She attended the University of Cape Town, South Africa before moving to London in 1968 where she completed an MSc in Social Psychology at LSE and then decided to train as a Clinical Psychologist at London University. She attended lectures at the Institute of Psychiatry, Maudsley Hospital, London as well as doing a three-year clinical internship in various psychiatric hospitals. At that time, it was customary to train in Behavioural Psychotherapy.
She also trained in Carl Rogers non-directive therapy and in Neuropsychology at King’s College Hospital. She became a Chartered Clinical Psychologist in 1973. Throughout her career, she worked as a psychological therapist doing additional training in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy when it became mainstream. Later she trained in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, Mindfulness for Health and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction.
During her career she worked in various managerial roles as well as setting up a number of new services. In addition to setting up the Clubhouse, she set up an accredited counselling course for nurses and a Memory Clinic for Older Adults. Some years thereafter, she set up Mindfulness training courses for patients and staff and was given the honorary title of Consultant Specialist in Mindfulness Based Interventions by her NHS Trust.
In 1994 she was given the Yvonne Fry Award for “Outstanding contribution to the quality of service and care for mentally ill people”.